Cheetah Checkout
Cheetah Checkout

Fast & Easy Online Ordering

Featured Shops.

How it works.

We speak with you about your current ordering methods, the type of products you sell and the information you'd like to collect from your customers at the time of ordering.

We setup an online ordering website with your products including fields to collect the data you need from your customers when they purchase.

You get a link to your new Cheetah Checkout shop that you can share and begin taking orders. You can also add the link to your current website.

Order Notification
4Order Notification
When a customer places an order, your phone or tablet dings letting you know you've recieved money and gives you the transaction information.

Order Fulfillment
5Order Fulfillment
Prepare your customer's order for pickup, delivery or shipment.


Lets Talk.

Ryan Lindner

Interested in an online ordering website to help streamline your business? Let's talk! Send us an email and we'll go from there. Cheetah Checkout